




參、填寫表格:Applications for compliance certification shall include the following documents:

2 copies of application form for vehicle configuration noise testing in duplicate.

Draft of motor vehicle new vehicle model noise inspection compliance certification.

Motor vehicle specifications form.

Catalog or technical information (on imported vehicles) from the original manufacturer.

Description of vehicle external noise control countermeasures.

Manual and schematic diagrams for anti-noise technology installed by original manufacturer (for buses and trucks).

Selection review form for representative vehicle of a vehicle configuration for motor vehicle noise testing.

Vehicle noise testing report for new vehicle model inspection and testing from a central competent authority approved analysis laboratory.

Photocopies of import and commodities tax payment (or exemption) certificate issued by the customs authority and bill of lading for said motor vehicle undergoing inspection and testing.


For sedans, station wagons, minibuses and small trucks (one copy for each): rear-left, front-left, rear-right, front-right, engine bay, hood, driver's cab (including gear shift), chassis, muffler;

For large trucks (one copy for each): rear-left, front-right, rear-right, front-right, driver's cab (including gear shift), rear chassis, front chassis, overview and lateral view of engine bay, hood, and muffler;

For buses (one copy for each): rear-left, front-left, rear-right, front-right, driver's cab (including gear stick), rear chassis, front chassis, inside and four sides of engine bay, and hood; and

for motorcycles (one copy for each): rear, front, right, left, and engine bay.

Labeling attached to the motor vehicle (shall include testing engine speed and original noise testing values).

Certification documents provided by the motor vehicle manufacturer: Power of attorney authorizing the domestic designated agent (this letter of attorney shall endow the domestic designated agent with complete power of representation for said vehicle manufacturer and who must bear full responsibility as such); compliance certification renewal statement (not required for applicants of new vehicle model compliance certification); statement of engine's speed limitations (to be submitted by the importers association for gasoline and diesel vehicles under 3.5 tons).

Noise improvements and countermeasures as approved by the central competent authority (to be submitted by those not complying with noise control standards).

Copies of company registration and business license (for first-time applications).

Association registration documentation (for applicants applying through an association for the first time; Paragraph 14 documents not then required).

Applicants for motor vehicles that have already been issued compliance certification from European Union countries and that comply with current European Union noise control standards, in addition to the foregoing required information, may submit the following information to the central competent authority when applying for compliance certification and the renewal thereof:

Photocopies of compliance certification documentation issued by the European Union country;

Report on motor vehicle noise testing methods currently in effect in the European Union country; and

An affidavit from the motor vehicle manufacturer stating that the imported motor vehicle of said application is identical with the original overseas vehicle model and configuration and that it has identical noise features.

If a designated agent for a motor vehicle manufacturer is applying for compliance certification and the imported vehicle model name on the application is different than the model name under which the overseas certification was granted, the designated agent shall submit the following additional documents to the central competent authority when making said application:

Documented letter from the original manufacturer provided by the motor vehicle manufacturer or dealership; and

Relevant explanatory information on the vehicle configuration and external vehicle noise control equipment.

When providing representative vehicle(s), manufacturers shall submit documents pursuant to the engine speed limits of Paragraphs 1-3, 1-9, 1-10 and the engine speed limits of Paragraph 1-12 and pursuant to Paragraph 1-13 to the central competent authority appointed analysis laboratory for checking. After testing has been completed, the analysis laboratory shall submit said documents along with the testing report to the central competent authority for inspection.

圖中這台BMW 430i寶馬汽車從美國買車運回台灣划算嗎?從美國買車運回台灣價格要多少錢呢?這台寶馬汽車BMW 430i在台灣新車售價高達300萬,但是如果從美國買新車BMW 430i運回台灣有點複雜,原因是因為美國買車便宜,BMW原廠禁止美國新車出口到其他國家,如果要從美國購買新車出口,必須要透過人頭而且持有半年以上才能出口,這造成了成本上升的缺點,但是可以透過Car2TW自有管道購買同年份但是已經領過牌的中古車,BMW美國原廠不會阻止已經領過牌的舊車從美國海運出口到台灣,也因為領過牌上過路,車輛價格折舊至少10%以上,這類車款運回台灣價格最划算,以這台外匯車BMW 430i計算運車回台灣費用大約只需要200萬左右,比對台灣BMW 430i新車售價超過300萬,足足可以節省100萬台幣,是外匯車購買選項中非常划算車款。


  1. 台灣主要外匯車商之一專業代辦進口車到台灣服務,為什麼進口代辦外匯車商推薦Car2TW呢?請參閱Car2TW評價
  2. 加拿大美國華僑留學生個人運車回台灣流程及費用計算?台灣進口車關稅稅金要多少?那些車運回台灣才划算?自辦進口美國買車回台灣流程手續
  3. 帶車回台灣,輕鬆又划算,美國帶車回台灣注意事項有哪些呢,華僑留學生運車回台灣划算嗎?關稅有減免嗎?如何計算進口車台灣稅金呢?代辦進口車回台灣划算嗎?
  4. 加拿大美國華僑留學生運車回台灣費用及流程及關稅計算說明及注意事項或進口外匯車價格計算及利潤
  5. 台灣汽車進口關稅進口車稅率計算查詢外匯車商進口外匯車關稅奢侈稅計算及華僑留學生運車進口回台灣關稅計算公式
  6. 運車回台灣風險及注意事項,自用車運回台灣流程及從美國買車回台灣的風險評估及費用計算
  7. 個人自用運車回台灣或美國買車回台灣費用包含海運費用台灣關稅及車測費用計算
  8. 如何從美國加拿大日本等海外國家運車回台灣流程說明注意事項簡介
  9. 外匯車商美國買車回台灣或是華僑留學生自用車從加拿大美國運車回台灣風險及注意事項
  10. Car2TW美國買車代購及華僑留學生代辦運車回台灣
  11. 外匯車商及個人運車回台灣車輛檢測(ARTC車測中心)重大法規改變:申請油耗合格證明必須採用歐盟EU測試程序,可能被影響的進口車輛請參閱此, 車測費用及時間增加及油耗測試美規歐規有哪些差別
  12. 自己在美國買車或託朋友買車,自己安排物流運車回台灣,自辦進口汽車再交給貴公司處理後續報關驗車可以嗎? 留學生運車回台灣費用及加拿大或美國買車回台灣及流程及關稅計算公式?